Even Better than Finding My Glasses on Top of My Head

Ohmygawd. I’m laughing so hard I have tears pouring down my face. Ohmygawd.

I lost my phone in my office upstairs and asked Scott to call my number for me. He couldn’t find HIS phone at first. He went out to his car to look for it. Meanwhile, I came back downstairs and decided to call my cellphone on our landline phone. Before I could dial the number, though, I heard a phone ringing somewhere near me. I thought maybe it was Scott’s phone. I started turning around and around in circles trying to detect where the ringing was coming from.

Scott came in at this point. He’d found his phone in the car, and dialed my phone before he came back inside. The ringing I heard was my own phone. But where the heck was it?

And then Scott says… he says… ohmygawd, this is even better than finding my glasses on top of my head… Scott says, “It’s on your ass. You’ve got your phone in your back pocket.”

-Karen Molenaar Terrell

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