Humoristian Prayer

My dear Humoristians,

Today may those traveling through a wasteland of fear, self-righteous indignation, hate, and hurt feelings be transformed by your pugnacious joy. May all who pass you return your smile, and keep on smiling throughout the day. May you laugh and learn from your mistakes (I mean… if you should happen to make any 🙂 ) – and may you give grace to those around you who goof now and then, too…because… you know… goofs happen. May you find the beauty and good in each moment. And may you know how much you are loved. Because you are. For sure. 

Go out there and make ’em laugh!





3 thoughts on “Humoristian Prayer

  1. “Pugnacious joy” – I love it when a wordsmith combines two seemingly disparate ideas! Gives me a joy beyond reckoning. I love your vibrant, albeit slightly demented lingo.

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